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Visualizations for mlr3tuning::TuningInstanceSingleCrit. The argument type controls what kind of plot is drawn. Possible choices are:

  • "marginal" (default): Scatter plots of x versus y. The color of the points shows the batch number.

  • "performance": Scatter plots of batch number versus y

  • "parameter": Scatter plots of batch number versus input. The color of the points shows the y values.

  • "parallel": Parallel coordinates plot. hyperparameters are rescaled by (x - mean(x)) / sd(x).

  • "points": Scatter plot of two x dimensions versus. The color of the points shows the y values.

  • "surface": Surface plot of two x dimensions versus y values. The y values are interpolated with the supplied mlr3::Learner.

  • "pairs": Plots all x and y values against each other.

  • "incumbent": Plots the incumbent versus the number of configurations.


# S3 method for TuningInstanceSingleCrit
  type = "marginal",
  cols_x = NULL,
  trafo = FALSE,
  learner = mlr3::lrn("regr.ranger"),
  grid_resolution = 100,
  theme = theme_minimal(),





Type of the plot. See description.


Column names of hyperparameters. By default, all untransformed hyperparameters are plotted. Transformed hyperparameters are prefixed with x_domain_.


If FALSE (default), the untransformed hyperparameters are plotted. If TRUE, the transformed hyperparameters are plotted.


Regression learner used to interpolate the data of the surface plot.


Resolution of the surface plot.


The ggplot2::theme_minimal() is applied by default to all plots.




if (requireNamespace("mlr3tuning") && requireNamespace("patchwork")) {

  learner = lrn("classif.rpart")
  learner$param_set$values$cp = to_tune(0.001, 0.1)
  learner$param_set$values$minsplit = to_tune(1, 10)

  instance = TuningInstanceSingleCrit$new(
    task = tsk("iris"),
    learner = learner,
    resampling = rsmp("holdout"),
    measure = msr("classif.ce"),
    terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 10))

  tuner = tnr("random_search")


  # plot performance versus batch number
  autoplot(instance, type = "performance")

  # plot cp values versus performance
  autoplot(instance, type = "marginal", cols_x = "cp")

  # plot transformed parameter values versus batch number
  autoplot(instance, type = "parameter", trafo = TRUE)

  # plot parallel coordinates plot
  autoplot(instance, type = "parallel")

  # plot pairs
  autoplot(instance, type = "pairs")
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero